FAQ’s and Tips

Some of our most frequently asked questions and tips for getting them most out of your Merit Sweeprite sweepers.



What makes the S3 the most powerful sweeper in the industry?

It has four hydraulic pumps, each of which deliver about 9 gallons/minute at up to 2750 psi. And each hydraulic motor has its own dedicated pump. So if you slow down a gutter broom, it doesn’t affect any of the other functions.

Why don’t you lift the hopper with the scissors or use an integrated system, like other sweeper manufacturers?

We lift the hopper on the S3 with the hydraulic cylinder and use the scissors just for balance. The other systems put a tremendous amount of strain on the scissors, which will pull the sweeper frame apart eventually. Our system avoids that possibility.

How is your chain conveyor different from the competitions’?

Everyone in the industry uses the same chain. What we do differently is add a centre idler to keep the chain from slapping back and forth. It’s that back and forth movement that puts extra strain on the drive sprockets and chain links, so preventing that movement makes ours last a lot longer.

Why don’t you make the in-cab hydraulic down pressure control standard on your sweepers?

We strongly believe that operators should set the down pressure of the brooms once at the beginning of the shift, and set it while they are observing the sweeping pattern. In that way, they are assured that they are doing the best possible job, and they are getting the optimum life from their brooms. When the down-pressure control is in the sweeper cab, inexperienced operators will often set it incorrectly, or keep adjusting it – thereby limiting the effectiveness of the sweeping and needlessly wearing out the broom.

Why do you offer a greaseless unit? Do the bearings last as long as the kind you grease?

We have found that they far outlast the ones that need to be greased by the operator. After we changed to this system, our customers went from having to change the bushings yearly to not having to replace any for more than 1900 hours. That’s because often the daily greasing doesn’t happen, or too much grease is applied, which is even harder on the bearings. The greaseless system also saves a lot of money on maintenance. All the operator has to do in the morning is check the oil and do a quick walkaround instead of having to tend to approximately 50 grease points which would take about 20 minutes daily.

But if the owners have an experienced operator and/or maintenance staff, they may prefer the type that requires daily greasing.

Why do you have dual water tanks instead of one larger one?

Having a large water tank hanging on the back of the sweeper is very hard on the rear axle. By having two tanks, we can balance the load which makes it much easier on the truck.

How are you able to reduce the amount of water you use?

We have a unique system that sprays water on the gutter brooms, which goes down to the tips of the bristles. That helps with the sweeping and lessens the amount of water that needs to be used.

What type of broom do you recommend?

We prefer the tube style main broom. It does a better job of sweeping and you can go faster with it. It is also easier to replace. However, we can also supply the strip style if that’s your preference.

You have a one-button start and stop on your sweepers. What happens if you need to stop a single function – for example if you are coming up to a car?

You can start or stop any one function independently.